No matter where you are as a professional on the continuum of
a Health and Fitness practitioner we all need to recognize our common origins.
Our undergraduate education sets the foundation for us to have a shared
vocabulary. Standardized medical terminology. The medical terminology
class that most of us took that first semester of our college careers set the
stage for us. It allowed our instructors and mentors to communicate with us. The
importance of this shared vocabulary is greatly understated and mostly
underutilized. Strength & conditioning coaches, sport specific coaches,
physical therapists, athletic trainers, chiropractors, physicians all have a
common language that we start with. Next, we took basic anatomy and physiology,
biology, biomechanics, kinesiology, exercise physiology, exercise prescription
and soon had a solid introduction to the concepts and theories that we would
use and set in motion on our journey as a Health and Fitness professional.
Unfortunately many of us stopped there, many of us felt our
educational journey was complete. We thought we had all the tools necessary to be a
Professional (fill
in the blank). For those of you
still reading congratulations. We are lifelong learners. Individuals that
recognize and appreciate that our undergraduate education was merely a
springboard that facilitated the ability to undertake greater studies. To truly
be a master coach or clinician you recognize that it takes a willingness to be
open to learning from and collaborating with other leaders, from other
disciplines throughout your career.
Gray Cook, Dan John and Lee Burton exemplify this in their
latest collaboration: Essentials of Coaching & Training FunctionalContinuums.
Lee begins by helping us all re-establish a common language
to communicate with other professionals on the continuum.
We need to do the Right Thing, with the Right Person, at the
Right Time.
What is your entry point? Where do you begin your training and conditioning programs? Your clinical exam? You discharge criteria? Where do you end? If you are not able to clearly answer these questions I would suggest that you do not have a systematic approach to delivering your services. And that you do not have the ability to articulate to other professionals where clients and athletes are in your programs. How do you know that the individual in front of you is appropriate for your knowledge, skill and expertise?